Lauren Horch

Lauren Horch

My career in the mortgage industry began with a prominent lender in 2005, and then I became a licensed mortgage associate in 2011 and joined the Collin Bruce Mortgage Team in 2020. This experience on both the lending and brokering side has given me a thorough understanding of the mortgage process and document requirements, and I love using this knowledge to help guide our clients and create a positive customer experience!

Refinance Mortgage Edmonton


CISN in the Mornings love to give back to those in need. Chris, Jack & Matt’s Grand Gesture with the Collin Bruce Mortgage Team!

Know a school in need of books or sports equipment?
A community charity doing great work, but needing more help?
Someone that just needs a hand?

Nominate below and once a month, we’ll come to the rescue with a $1,000 donation!



“The Collin Bruce team helped me into my first home with professionalism and ease. They were patient and kind and helped with every silly question I had.”

Tim (Edmonton)