Monica Tse

Monica Tse

Since completing my Finance diploma at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in 2001, I continued to gain my banking experience in the financial services industry. This provided me with a well-rounded background, and knowledge of the real estate lending process. I’m happy to have joined this great team in January of 2023.

Refinance Mortgage Edmonton


CISN in the Mornings love to give back to those in need. Chris, Jack & Matt’s Grand Gesture with the Collin Bruce Mortgage Team!

Know a school in need of books or sports equipment?
A community charity doing great work, but needing more help?
Someone that just needs a hand?

Nominate below and once a month, we’ll come to the rescue with a $1,000 donation!



“Collin and his team were fantastic supporting us as we refinanced our old home and purchased our new home. His team is thorough, professional, and always helpful. It is a pleasure to recommend Collin and his team.”

Brent (Edmonton)