Thera Sullivan

Thera Sullivan

I graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a Bachelor of Management Degree in 2004. I have been working in the finance industry specifically dealing with mortgages ever since. I spent 3 years at a bank and then proceeded to become an independent mortgage broker in 2007. I have been working with Collin for the past 15 years and am happy to have joined his team in 2017. I love this job because I enjoy meeting new people every day and helping them achieve their goal of homeownership!

Refinance Mortgage Edmonton


CISN in the Mornings love to give back to those in need. Chris, Jack & Matt’s Grand Gesture with the Collin Bruce Mortgage Team!

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“I've used Collin and his team now for three rounds of mortgage renewals and I've always found them to be very knowledgeable, friendly, professional, and prompt. Highly recommend!”

Cindy (Edmonton)